Texas Police Association

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Hutto Police Department is seeking three (3) experienced police officers

Author tpaadmin
#1 | Posted: 23 Nov 2021 13:24
Posted 11/17/2021
The Hutto Police Department is seeking three (3) experienced police officers.
On behalf of the men and women of the Hutto Police Department, congratulations
on your interest in becoming a member of the Hutto Police Department! The Hutto
Police Department is comprised of over 40 sworn officers who are dedicated to the
citizens of Hutto. The Hutto Police Department provides police services to over 30
thousand citizens who reside within this fast growing and dynamic city. Those who
are interested are encouraged to complete the “Police Officer” application and
submit it to the Hutto Police Department.

Please direct any questions to the following:

Sgt. Josh Bellenir at 512-759-4922 or by email at Josh.Bellenir@huttotx.gov
Lt. Dwain Jones at 512-759-5991 or by email at Dwain.Jones@huttotx.gov

The Hutto Police Department selects only high-quality individuals to become
Hutto Police Officers. By being selective, we continue to build a high-quality
department for the citizens of Hutto. Hutto is among the fastest growing cities in
the state of Texas. That means our police department is growing rapidly as well,
which offers excellent career opportunities for new officers.
• Top-of-the-line Equipment & Technology
• City matching 2 to 1 retirement plan
• Take home patrol car
• Paid Lifetime membership to the 100 Club of Central Texas
• Issued uniforms and duty gear

Department Overview
The Hutto Police Department is made up of 48 sworn officers who are committed
to community policing with a focus on keeping our residents safe. The core
values of the department are Service, Accountability, Fairness, and Ethics.

Sign on Bonus
The City of Hutto offers a sign-on incentive in the amount of $2,500 net to Police
Officers. The incentive will be paid with the first payroll following date of
hire. Two years of employment with the Hutto Police Department is required. If,
for any reason, two years of employment is not completed, the entire incentive
must be re-paid to the City of Hutto within fourteen days following notice of

Take Home Vehicle
After successfully completing the Field Training Officer program, an Officer is
assigned a fully equipped police vehicle. All officers living within 25 miles of
Hutto, Texas are authorized to take their police vehicle to their place of residence.
(Subject to budget considerations and Police Chief approval)

Regulation service weapon, duty gear and all other necessary equipment included.
Uniforms and dry-cleaning services are provided by the department. Officers
assigned to Criminal Investigations Unit receive a clothing allowance of $600.00

Police Officer Education and Certification Pay
Officers receive BOTH certificate and education pay.
Police officers will receive TCOLE certification pay at the following rates:
- Associate Degree: $75 per month ($900.00 annually)
- Bachelor’s Degree: $125 per month ($1,500.00 annually)
- Master’s Degree: $175 per month ($2,100.00 annually)
- Intermediate Peace Officer Certification: $50 per month. ($600.00 annually)
- Advanced Peace Officer Certification: $100 per month. ($1,200.00 annually)
- Master Peace Officer Certification: $150 per month. ($1,800.00 annually)

Specialty Incentive Pay *Tier 1 incentives
Police Officers are eligible to receive the following additional incentive pay:
*Must be accepted into each program to receive the specialty pay.
- *Accident Reconstruction: $50 per month ($600.00 annually)
- *EMT / Paramedic: $50 per month ($600.00 annually)
- *Firearms Instructor: $50 per month ($600.00 Annually)
- *Back Up Crime Scene Officer: $50 per month ($600.00 Annually)
- *Concept 2 Row Instructor: $50 per month. ($600.00 annually).
- *Field Training Officer: $130 per pay period/bi-weekly.
- *Officer In charge $130 per pay period/bi-weekly.
- Bilingual: Must pass an oral examination. $50 per month ($600 annually)
for Level 1 and $75 per month ($900 annually) for Level 2.
- *Hutto Response Team: $130 per pay period/bi-weekly.

Retirement Plan
The City participates in the Texas Municipal Retirement System
(TMRS). Participation is mandatory for employees working 1,000 or more hours
per year. 7% of your gross pay will be deducted each paycheck and deposited into
your member/retirement account. The City will match your contribution 2:1 and
vesting is at the completion of 5 years of service. You will be eligible for
retirement benefits at any age after 20 years of service or at age 60 with 5 years of
service. To receive the City’s contribution, you must be eligible for retirement.
The City also offers a voluntary 457 (Deferred Compensation) retirement plan
which allows you to invest in your retirement and is a great way to supplement
your TMRS retirement benefits. Taxes on your contributions are deferred until
your assets are withdrawn. Employees may make tax deferred contributions to a
457 account, based on the following contribution limits:
Under 50 years of age: $19,000 per year
Over 50 years of age: $25,000 per year

Education Program Reimbursement
It is a policy of the City to encourage employee development through formal
education in order for an employee to maintain and improve job-related skills or
prepare for advancement within the City. Therefore, the City shall reimburse the
cost of tuition, mandatory fees and required books for courses which an employee
takes through a school or institution that is approved by the Texas Education
Agency (TEA) or other nationally recognized board of accreditation, and as
provided in this policy.
- This policy applies to regular, full-time employee with at least twelve
consecutive months of service with the City.
- The maximum benefit for reimbursement per applicant shall be equal
to the cost of tuition, mandatory fees and required books not to exceed
$2,500 per fiscal year (10/1-9/30).
- Upon completion of a course in which an employee receives
reimbursement, an employee must provide at a minimum, one year of
service to the City. If an employee discontinues employment for any
reason prior to providing one year of service, the employee is required
to reimburse the City for those funds.

100 Club of Central Texas
Upon completion of the Field Training Program, a paid Lifetime Membership to
the 100 Club of Central Texas will be provided. This membership includes the
Benefits for First Responders.

The City observes twelve paid holidays per year. Police officers have the ability to
be paid or bank their holiday pay.

Sick Leave
Full-time employees accrue sick time at a rate of 96 hours per year (3.69 hours per
pay period) and are permitted to accrue a maximum of 1,040 hours.

Vacation Leave
Full-time employees accrue vacation leave at the following rates:

- < 5 year employees: 10 days or 80 hours.
- > 5 year employees: 15 days or 120 hours.
- > 10 year employees: 17 days or 136 hours.
- > 15 year employees: 20 days or 160 hours.
Maximum accrual rates for vacation leave at the end of the calendar year are:
- < 5 year employees: 20 days or 160 hours.
- > 5 year employees: 25 days or 200 hours.
- > 10 year employees: 30 days or 240 hours.

Longevity Pay
The City provides regular full-time employees longevity pay. Longevity pay
begins after a regular, full time employee has completed one year of
service. Longevity will be computed by multiplying the number of months of
service completed on December 31st of each year, times the monthly longevity rate
accrued. The monthly longevity rate is determined by the schedule below:
Rate per Month
Years of

Pay scale
The Hutto Police Department offers 1 year on the step plan for every 2 years of
prior experience up to a maximum of step 4 on the HPD pay plan. For example, an
officer with four years’ experience would start at pay step 2, and an officer with 8
or more years of prior experience would start at step 4.
(Subject to yearly budget considerations and a positive review)

Do you have what it takes to become a member of one of the finest police
departments in Central Texas?
https://www.huttotx.gov/DocumentCenter/View/780/Certified‐initial‐application‐Police‐ Officer‐
*Only 1 Tier I Specialty Pay will be paid.
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